Even More Tips for Making Your Website More Visible
Effectiveness online generally means that the search engines need to be able to find your Website and index it. The easier it can do this, and the better understanding it has about it, the better page rank and SERP results you can have.
Another way to improve your page rank and make sure the search engines do not have problems in indexing your Website is to provide a sitemap for them. Since search engines can often leave out many of your pages, a good sitemap can help them – and even direct them to be more thorough. Also, you can tell it to leave certain pages alone, too, and not index them by using the “No follow” command.
Good SEO strategies require the use of a sitemap. Without it, various pages of your Web site may never be indexed. This is especially true with larger Websites. Through a sitemap, however, you can actually direct the search engines to the pages you want indexed – when you want – or hide them when done with a campaign.
A sitemap is an XML document, not HTML. It is made purely for the search engines. You put in the priority of the Webpage as well as how often you want it indexed – daily, weekly, or monthly. This will ensure your Web pages are discovered when needed and it will also allow you to get top search ranking faster.
When you use a sitemap, be sure to only link to it from the homepage. Use a title tag to clearly identify it, too, or the search engine may consider it a link farm.
Baytech Digital can help you ensure that you use only the best search engine optimization techniques and strategies. We have helped many large and small companies and are proven SEO strategies experts. Talk to us today about giving your Website maximum visibility.