Page Not Found
Every website should have a 404 page regardless of whether all their pages or files work or not. Customizing your own 404 is highly recommended so that it flows with the rest of your site instead of displaying the standard 404 page (which is not aesthetically appealing). It will give viewers visual clues that they haven’t been directed out of your site, which will decrease the likelihood of them leaving. Always show a sign of your website’s presence.
A 404 page can most commonly be encountered in the following ways:
– Mistyped URL
– Content that has been moved or deleted and were not 301 properly redirected
– Broken or truncated referral links
There is such thing as a good 404 page. Elements that achieve that is making sure there is an explanation as to why the error has occurred, using a customized 404 page to match the theme of your website, linking to the contact, sitemap, and home page, as well as making sure the page contains a search box and a navigational menu so that the audience is not encouraged to leave.
Baytech Digital is a global, full-service web development and internet marketing firm. Rated the number one web development firm of 2008 by the Silicon Valley Business Journal, Baytech Digital offers a full range of web services to entrepreneurs to enterprise level clients. As a winner of the Horizon Interactive Award, this dedicated team of professionals creates customer-focused web-based solutions that deliver tangible and measurable success.