Don’t Forget the Small Design Issues and Text
While you are testing everything, you really do not want to assume that anything can be left on your page without testing it, too, to see if better results might be possible. After all, it may be the small things about your Website design that are keeping you from the best results you want.
Even the words you use on your buttons need to be tested to see which ones work up to your expectation. Good Web design should not be left up to what someone thinks looks good because your business success may actually depend on it. Many businesses have found it to be true and now do nothing without extensive testing on every page – especially those requiring some form of interaction.
As you test everything, you want to be open to all possibilities in order to produce the quality E-Commerce Web Design needed. This means that nothing should be excluded. Be a little daring and venture out into the unknown with even some potentially wild ideas – you never know until it is tested. Keep it, though, within the limits of your brand.
After you have tested and eliminated features on your Web page, you then want to combine them – one at a time – and retest to see how the new combination works. It is possible that a new combination of small things could result in a difference of over 60% more people clicking or ROI! With such high numbers at stake – can you afford to leave the necessary testing undone?
Baytech Digital can provide quality Web design for your company and do the testing, too. We know what it takes to help your Website become visible and profitable. Talk to us today and let’s get started on building your successful business.