Google to send alerts for 404, 403, 503 Errors
Google webmaster tools are no doubt the best way to manage website on Google. Where it shows the performance of the site on Google for various keywords, it also gives information about the demographics of the visitors. Along those same lines, it also includes an in-depth analysis of the visitors in a specific period. Google has recently upgraded its webmaster tools which have strengthened the reporting of errors. Crawl errors such as Error 404, Access denied, Not Found and Not Followed are some of the errors that will be communicated to the webmasters as early as they occur. No doubt, Error 404 is a sin for a website and is considered very seriously by the search engines. The fewer the number of 404s the better the website health is presumed.
Apart from this, Google also provides alerts to the webmaster about any site wide problems as well as for URL error anomalies. This will not only help the webmaster to rectify the problem but will also help then keep the website in good health. With this improvement, it will also ensure that visibility of the websites remains intact on Google and there is not a single URL missed. These improvements will empower the webmasters to manage the website in an altogether efficient way. This new feature will be critical especially for large website with hundreds of pages and where accidental editing or some other issue may have caused the Error 404 or other errors. An instant alert about the error will also enable site owners to keep their websites up and running always 24 x 7.