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Apio Inc

Baytech Successfully Implemented the 3rd Party System to Apio Inc.

Apio Inc. is a supplier of high quality, innovative, and on-trend produce solutions combining two of the strongest brands in fresh-cut vegetables. Their GreenLine brand leads sales of fresh-cut green beans in the U.S. and their Eat Smart brand is a leader the fresh-cut branded bag and tray sales. From Consumer to Retailer, they use leading technology to provide a year-round supply of high-quality vegetables to the fresh-cut produce industry.

Apio, Inc. faced a problem in integrating a 3rd party distributor solution software for its Eat Smart brand. This software centrally tracks product distribution and unfortunately, Apio did not have success in finding a web design and development company who could successfully integrate this system. It is there that Apio turned to Baytech to integrate this system onto their Eat Smart microsite.
Working in conjunction with the Apio marketing team, Baytech was able to successfully implement the 3rd party system for the Eat Smart microsite.
The new 3rd the party system that Baytech implemented for the Eat Smart microsite allowed for customers to be able to find locations for stores that carried their products based on their current location.