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Baytech Redesigns the Epson Website
Epson is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of printers and advanced imaging equipment. While Epson is primarily known for its printers and scanners, Epson also develops smart glasses and wearable products. Through Epson’s worldwide subsidiaries, the company manufactures desktop computers, projectors, home theater televisions, industrial automation equipment, and other electronic devices. For over 75 years, Epson has established itself as a top-ranked developer and manufacturer of electronic equipment and devices.
As Epson’s long-term technology partner, we target to develop a secure custom portal for different levels of both consumer and corporate users with multi-access control with fully interactive product systems. The major challenge of Epson buyers that include both B2B and B2C buyers that need to make a decision towards the product selections. To support B2B customers at all stages of the purchase process, we provide structure the content, such as articles, blog posts, webinars, technical white papers, buying guides, or case studies, which help early-stage researchers understand the types of problems you solve, how typical solutions work, and how Epson products or services are a key part of those solutions. We worked with Epson marketing staff to ensure that Epson content provides criteria for why users have solved a particular problem well so that Epson site visitors use those criteria as a rubric for evaluating its competitors. This type of content also helps to showcase its expertise. In addition, we acknowledge Epson competitor’s products and show how its solutions are better, through comparison tables. We provide system tools that enabled Epson customers to share content, products, and the contents with other members of their team for review, discussion, and approval. In order to Integrate Epson’s selected web service, electronic signature platform, our developers streamlined its document management system with the third-party software. Additionally, during the Epson Developers website redesign, the Baytech team developed and optimized the code and integrated work with its previous development team.
Overcoming many challenges, we maintained streamlined internal communication among Epson and Baytech team and provided strategic solutions to align team to accomplish its goal. We held daily scrum meetings where we established clear objectives for every aspect of our design iterations along with strict regression test on the live server and browsers. In order to easily manage users as well as giving certain users access to restricted areas, our developers designed a custom approval system for the website’s administrators to easily manage all aspects of the system. Our UX design aimed to align existing Epson’s brand requirement, marketing initiative. Our design and development teams created a full solution for its system requirement.
Baytech developed a universal platform for Epson developers and verified users to access information related to Epson products and data manuals. We positioned Epson to be the thought leader of its industry that provides distinct needs from B2B and consumer audiences. When designing a B2B site make sure that EPSON support a complex buying cycle with content that speaks to its audience throughout the decision-making process. We clearly identify how Epson products integrate with other common industry solutions and include content that speaks to both the end users and the purchasing decision makers. Finally, we communicate Epson and help users find products that fit the needs unique to companies of their size. Further, we created an interactive and engaging user experience with parallax design. As the background of the website moves at a different speed than the rest of the page, such design encourages its visitors to scroll through a single page to find the information they need. Along with all the under the hood upgrades, our team ensured that Epson’s branding remained consistent throughout the Epson Developers website. Most importantly, the system build allows Epson’s target audience to easily engage and convert. With a full and proper information in place, Epson developers can apply the technical information they need on its product expansion. Epson developers and marketing team are able to work collaboratively to achieve its business goal.