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CDXlife is a biotechnological hardware and software development company that has developed the MyDX sensor and application for the diagnosis of harmful germs and diseases in the environment. It is one of the most innovative products in the current market. The analyzer and mobile app are used in conjunction to diagnose diseases before they can escalate in severity.

Baytech was the selected partner to assist CDXlife in the development of a professional website that would deliver the required information over multiple platforms. Due to this, there were many challenges that arose during the development of a fully responsive website for the users of the MyDX devices and applications. The profitability of this company depends on its ability to show its consumer base that it has a solid grounding in the technical development of analysis devices, as well as that it offers innovative, interactive services to all users.  Baytech saw the need to develop a website that would showcase the technological advancement within the company, as well as immersing visitors in a comprehensive experience that would guarantee an increase in profitability and turnover.

The solution provided by Baytech extended to all devices across which the CDXlife website would be accessed.  A fully responsive design was incorporated into the new website as well as the mobile application, allowing for seamless viewing across all mobile devices. In addition to this, an eCommerce solution was also integrated into the site for easy purchases across the board. To accomplish all of this, a custom-made WordPress theme was used. This allowed for the best functionality and customization possible. Some of the main changes to the website design made by Baytech were:
Introduction of a cross-platform viewing experience.

  1. Animations and transition effects for pages
  2. eCommerce platform for purchases
  3. Concise, interactive web pages for the site
  4. Responsive design for cross-device viewing

As an immediate result of the Baytech solution, the website and application saw a rise in visitors to the CDXlife website. In addition to this, the profitability of the company rose, allowing it to expand its reach and become a market leader in the field of analysis and diagnosis of microbial conditions.