What Can Branded Searches Tell You?
Following the records of your branded searches can tell you a lot of important information – if you pay attention. One important element which was already mentioned is that it will show you the actual value of your branding strategies and whether they are working or not.
Another key element is to find out what other search terms are being used along with that brand term. This will reveal to you what people are actually looking for when they think of your brand. This could end up being exactly what you expected – or it may show you new possible avenues of product development.
Watching the brand searches can give you a good indication of what people think of most when they think of your brand. This information can then be directed toward more targeted marketing efforts and adjusted online branding strategies.
In some cases, you may even find that certain misspelled words in the searches may also end up being profitable – if there are enough of them. After all, a buying client is money in the bank – whether they know how to spell correctly or not.
Or, it may even be possible that language difficulties may bring a whole lot of targeted traffic your way – just because your brand may sound like something else in another language. On the other hand, it could mean you may need to change your PPC keywords, too, if you are using terms that are not as profitable as you want.
Baytech Digital is ready to help you develop profitable marketing campaigns. Our proven experience with large and small companies enables us to help your company move forward in these difficult times. Talk to us today and see what we can do.