Adapting 3.0 as the new web benchmark
More than 1.6 billion people use the world wide web today, and this number continues to grow each day. As the number of people using the web grows, so too does the underlying technology and functionality of the web. We’ve seen functionality grow throughout the years as sites have progressed from static HTML to more advanced development languages. Streaming video and social networking are now the norm as Web 2.0 has swept across the web landscape. At Baytech Webs, we know that it doesn’t stop at Web 2.0.
Next generation technology is opening up new possibilities for website development and custom web applications. As the web continues to evolve, Baytech Webs is constantly working to stay abreast of the latest and greatest technologies the web has to offer. We’re already hearing buzz about Web 3.0. While that name may currently just be marketing hype, we know that the continued evolution of the web is an absolute fact.
As Web 3.0 gains momentum, Baytech Webs is seeing web applications get smaller and faster. More data and applications are being delivered in “the cloud.” Websites and web applications need to be designed and functional on computers, as well as mobile devices. Effective marketing plans need to include viral marketing and guerrilla marketing to leverage the incredible power of social networking and email.
The future of the web is being created today. You can be sure that Baytech Webs is tracking trends and at the forefront of emerging web development technology and innovations. Our business is to make yours successful, and we live this mission every day. Take a look at our project portfolio and web development capabilities today. Then call or email to discuss how we can help create and launch your project using technology that prepares your company for Web 3.0.