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Above Board Electronics

Baytech Designs New Website for Above Board Electronics

(ABE) is a global provider of products, services, and solutions to industrial and commercial users of mechanical, electrical and electronic components and assemblies. Since 1992, they have been dedicated to providing industries with the finest quality specialty fastener and electromechanical components. ABE is dedicated to constantly developing new and innovative ways to assist their customers by providing their customers with the right products and services on schedule and at the prices.

In order to assist Above Board Electronics in providing their customers with the right products and services, an updated website that would better communicate all of ABE’s service offerings was needed. To help accomplish their mission, ABE brought Baytech aboard to update the design of their website.

The new website was an aesthetic upgrade and enhanced ABE’s brand image while also serving to better organize all of their products to allow their customers to find more information needed to make informed purchases.