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Acme Micro Systems Inc.


Established in 1991, Acme Micro Systems Inc., is a leading provider of high-end server solutions and services and seeks to play an important role in helping their customers find the best value for their IT solutions. They are dedicated to delivering the latest IT technology and helping their customers meet their crucial server demands.
In order to provide the best online shopping experience for their customers, Acme Micro decided to hire Baytech to remodel its E-commerce website with an emphasis on a clean and neat design and better navigation. Baytech’s project team worked with Acme Micro to give the site a redesign that was a vast improvement on their old site design. Product pages became more visually pleasing and easy to read while navigation on the site was drastically improved. Along with the enhanced design, a new product management system was added that would make updating and adding new products much easier.
Baytech is proud to have worked with Acme Microsystems to revamp its E-commerce website and hope its new website helps in generating greater revenue potential.