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Pick UR Gift
To develop not only a new website for Pick Ur Gift but to also develop their unique web application that was central to their entire business model. If you have ever had problems finding that perfect gift for the special people in your life, Pick Ur gift is here to help. Co-founder Nick Rouhier faced this very problem of how to find his wife the right gift, and thus, the idea for pick UR gift was born. Pick UR gift seeks to eliminate the headache of gift shopping and giving. It is their hope to eliminate the fear of giving or receiving the wrong gift that many of us have endured in our life. To accomplish this, pickURgift sought the help of a web design and development company that could make their ideas a reality.
Pick Ur gift was a unique project in that the functionality that the pick Ur gift had desired
Pick Ur gift was a unique project in that the functionality that the pick Ur gift had desired
had never been implemented anywhere else before. The core function of pick Ur gift was to allow users to add products from any E-commerce site on the internet and add it onto an application that would keep track of it as a customized gift list. The ability to add any product across all E-commerce sites was the biggest hurdle in development in that a lot of websites, such as Gucci or Louis Vuitton, did not allow such a functionality due to their own need to keep customers on their own site. Thanks to the complicated nature of this project.
Baytech’s development team put in lots of work into development and quality assurance through numerous compatibility tests, in order to deliver the final product to a satisfied customer. Along with the custom web application, a custom-built portal website was also designed that would not only provide prospective users more information about Pick Ur gift but to also keep track of user’s information, including their personalized gift lists. Creating not only a brand new web application but also creating a new custom branded website was the great challenge that Baytech’s team of designers and developers relished. Thanks to the concerted efforts of both Baytech and Pick Ur gift, a concept that once only existed as a pipe dream became a reality.
Baytech’s development team put in lots of work into development and quality assurance through numerous compatibility tests, in order to deliver the final product to a satisfied customer. Along with the custom web application, a custom-built portal website was also designed that would not only provide prospective users more information about Pick Ur gift but to also keep track of user’s information, including their personalized gift lists. Creating not only a brand new web application but also creating a new custom branded website was the great challenge that Baytech’s team of designers and developers relished. Thanks to the concerted efforts of both Baytech and Pick Ur gift, a concept that once only existed as a pipe dream became a reality.
As a result of Baytech ’s, a brand new website that centered around a concept and application that had never been seen before was born and has quickly become a favorite among Facebook users. This project displayed that not only is Baytech an expert at crafting custom web designs but also a developer of innovative, complex web applications from idea to conception.
As a result of Baytech ’s, a brand new website that centered around a concept and application that had never been seen before was born and has quickly become a favorite among Facebook users. This project displayed that not only is Baytech an expert at crafting custom web designs but also a developer of innovative, complex web applications from idea to conception.
Our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction is integral in our design and development strategy for all of our customers no matter how big or small the project is. Contact us for more information on how we can help provide you or your business with a custom website design or development solution.