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Key Information Systems

Baytech Provides Comprehensive Branding and Corporate Website Design for Key Information Systems

Key Information Systems is an innovative company that is one of the first choices for most clients that need advanced technology services. They combine some of the most advanced technologies currently available and delivers solutions that are among the highest-rated anywhere. They typically deal with server infrastructure and cloud-based solutions.

Key Information Services depends on the advances in technology in recent years and on the health of the economy. What they need more than anything is an effective marketing strategy, along with a brand name and identity that allows customers to distinguish it from the rest. In addition to this, they need a platform to market their innovative services on a global scale so that a larger portion of customers can benefit from their technically superior service. They hired Baytech to design a website for them that would deliver all this through a powerful platform.
Baytech achieved all the requirements of Key Information Systems by developing a website with a parallax design for the best customer experience. This was accomplished using a smooth scroll on the website that would engage all visitors and leads them to find out more about the services offered. In addition to this, custom WordPress themes were used in order to deliver an effective brand identity and marketing strategy for the company.
The integration of the parallax design showed a marked increase in the interest of website visitors. The scrolling and presentation of information were well done. In addition to this,
the use of custom WordPress themes allowed for a unique brand identity to be created for Key Information Systems that was bound to make customers intrigued and to make them identify with the company. This also allowed multilingual support to be added with the easy translation of pages and content to boost their international reach.